The Vision of Wangari Maathai

Who's an inspirational leader? I'd say somebody like her, Prof. Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement. An activist and a thinker who was able to explain the linkages between poverty, lack of democracy and environment degradation. The video that follows can serve as an introduction to this fascinating personality, her fight and life:

The Unstoppable Force vs. the Immovable Object

Finally, I've found a good and in-depth article about US-China relations. No wonder why the key word is: contradiction.  From Foreign Policy Could the United States really go to war with China? BY NOAH FELDMAN - MAY 16, 2013 re we on the brink of a new Cold War? The question isn't as outlandish as it … Continue reading The Unstoppable Force vs. the Immovable Object

Paul Polak: An Entrepreneur Creating Chances at a Better Life

Repost from the New York Times For 30 years Dr. Polak, a 78-year-old former psychiatrist, has focused on creating devices that will improve the lives of 2.6 billion people living on less than $2 a day. But, he insists, they must be so cheap and effective that the poor will actually buy them, since charity disappears … Continue reading Paul Polak: An Entrepreneur Creating Chances at a Better Life

Maggie – in her words

«She has the eyes of Stalin and the voice of Marilyn Monroe» Jacques Mitterand A controversial personality, perhaps the single most influential politician of the second half of the twentieth century, Margaret is someone I used to discard as a right extremist for a long time, like many people still do today. But, because of … Continue reading Maggie – in her words

Schwarzy and the climate change challenge

Hello everybody! From now on I'll use this blog in a slightly different manner, making more videos and writing less (I'm already exhausted at working on my master's final dissertation). But still I want to discuss the things that I care about with you, and I also want a broader audience, so I'll use English … Continue reading Schwarzy and the climate change challenge


I cinesi direbbero zaisheng (再生). Per me è un imperativo, una sfida da affrontare periodicamente, una tensione continua, perché nella mia breve esperienza ho avuto la percezione che la vita sia un alternarsi di cicli, con fasi di transizione importanti e difficili, con le quali ho però acquisito dimestichezza. In questi giorni parte delle mie … Continue reading Rigenerarsi